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How to Get More Website Leads

Written by Kevin D'Arcy | 28-Jun-2019 12:37:00 PM


It’s a common marketer’s complaint. You use all the best and brightest digital marketers and social channels to drive traffic, yet still don’t get those leads. So, what’s a marketer to do? Stop complaining and start strategizing.

If you’re just getting a phone number here and an email address there, you need a strategic approach to increase lead generation. You can collect more website leads and strengthen your conversion funnels with these lead generating strategies.

Analyze and Add Forms

By using a marketing analysis tool, you’ll be working smarter, not harder. You can determine where most of your leads are coming from and customize your landing pages and blog posts to suit users’ needs.

Customized landing pages with offers such as a targeted eBook work well to capture emails. Eighty percent of users say they would register for a valuable whitepaper or eBook.  

A tool to create online forms will allow you to easily collect contact information in exchange for your offer as well.  

Measure Page Performance and Follow Up

A landing page generating tool will provide professionally designed landing pages, without the cost, time, and effort of hiring a hipster agency.

A/B testing allows you to make side-by-side comparisons of CTAs, the questions used on your forms, and other elements that might help fine-tune your approach. Surety Bonds made improvements to their CTA buttons and forms following A/B split testing and saw a 27% increase in lead generation. Friendbuy’s CTA A/B testing led to a 211% improvement in click throughs, so, yes, you should try it.

Use an automated email marketing tool to send a kickback email to help seal the deal. According to a HubSpot study, kickback emails doubled the engagement rates of their standard marketing emails.

CTA on Your Homepage

Using an effective, logical CTA on your homepage can be the first and final step in the conversion process. Show people what you’re offering, sans all the noise, and you can see a 232% increase in conversions.

Plus, you don’t have to dig too deep to come up with CTAs either. Seriously, we’re talking bare bones “Subscribe for Updates” or “Free Trial Offer” buttons to help you pigeon-hole marketing-qualified leads quite effectively. Incorporate a profile tracking tool to help find your most engaged visitors, and you’re golden.

Social proof such as a mind-blowing stat about your product, or the number of downloads of your latest relevant eBook can positively influence action by as much as 15%.

Long-Form Content for Organic Visitors

Prospects are often simply looking for answers or trying to solve problems. You can find more of these organic visitors using long-form content and SEO. Long-form material generates 9 times more leads than short-form content.

As already mentioned, by filling out a form to request information such as an eBook, your website visitor becomes a prospect. An SEO strategy planning tool can help build your search authority while providing robust content about your product or services.

Live Chat Service

Forty-two percent of companies surveyed are using live chat services. This real-time tool is used almost three times as much as social media. If you’ve got the customer service people to do it, live chat tools allow you to engage visitors as they arrive.

Choose the pages with the highest traffic for your chat pop-ups to instantly respond to questions. And make sure the people answering the questions are charming. Nothing is a bigger buzzkill than a dull, uninvested chat person, and nothing’s worse than a customer having to ask, “Are you still there?”

Dynamic Web Content

A content management system allows you to create dynamic content to customize the information each person sees when they arrive on your site. You can cater to their needs based on past behaviour or have a specific page for newcomers.

Customized content, offers, and CTAs can optimize the conversion path by leading wishy-washy prospects to the next step on their journey. In fact, by customizing your CTAs, you can improve your conversion rate by 42% compared to using a basic CTA!

Lead Nurturing

Last but not least, not calling the day after is never an option in business. An email tracking tool will allow you to keep track of your leads and your last point of contact. Sending multiple follow-up emails can triple your replies.

You can also customize and automate future emails with needs-based, proactive, follow-up email marketing.

By designing a lead generating website, you can increase the number of prospects and leads you feed to your hungry sales team.