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Best Practices For Data Hygiene in HubSpot

Written by Kevin D'Arcy | 22-Aug-2024 12:00:00 PM

Data hygiene is essential for any business that relies on customer relationship management (CRM) systems like HubSpot. Clean, accurate data can significantly boost marketing and sales effectiveness, while poor data can lead to missed opportunities and inefficiencies. In this blog, we'll explore why data hygiene is critical, the challenges involved, and how to implement best practices to keep your CRM data in top shape.

What is Data Hygiene?

Data hygiene refers to the practices and processes that ensure data accuracy, consistency, and reliability within a system. In CRM systems like HubSpot, data hygiene involves regular cleaning, updating, and validating customer and contact information. This includes removing duplicate entries, correcting inaccuracies, filling in missing data, and standardizing data formats. Good data hygiene is crucial for effective marketing and sales strategies, as it ensures that the information used to engage with customers is current and accurate, leading to better decision-making and improved business outcomes.

Understanding CRM Data

CRM systems like HubSpot manage various data types crucial for marketing and sales. Why? Maintaining clean and up-to-date CRM data ensures more accurate targeting and effective communication strategies. Here’s some of the data involved:

  1. Customer data: Includes contact details, purchase history, and personal preferences. This data helps tailor marketing efforts and improve customer interactions.
  2. Behavioral data: Tracks interactions such as website visits, email engagement, and social media activity. It provides insights into customer interests and engagement levels.
  3. Transactional data: Covers purchase records, payment information, and contract details. This data is essential for sales forecasting and financial planning.

Challenges in Data Hygiene

Maintaining clean CRM data presents several challenges that businesses must address:

  1. Duplicate entries: Duplicate data can arise from multiple sources or manual entry errors, leading to confusion and wasted resources in marketing and sales efforts. For example, you waste valuable resources if you have two contacts with separate email addresses under two different ‘marketing contacts’ that you should merge. You’ll get charged for two contacts when, really, it is only one!
  2. Outdated information: Customer details, such as email addresses, phone numbers, or company roles, can change frequently. Outdated information results in ineffective communication and lost business opportunities.
  3. Incomplete records: Missing data, such as incomplete contact information or transaction history, hinders personalized marketing and accurate reporting.
  4. Inconsistent data entry: Variations in data entry, like differing formats for phone numbers or names, make it challenging to analyze and segment data accurately.
  5. Data silos: Information stored in separate systems or departments can create gaps in data, reducing its overall effectiveness and leading to misaligned marketing and sales strategies.
  6. Compliance risks: Inaccurate or poorly managed data can lead to compliance issues, particularly concerning data protection regulations like GDPR or CCPA. This can result in legal penalties and damage to the company's reputation.

Best Practices for Data Hygiene

Maintaining high data quality is essential for effective CRM management. Here are key best practices to ensure data hygiene:

  1. Regular data audits
    • Periodically review your CRM data to identify and correct duplicates, outdated information, and inconsistencies. This will help maintain its accuracy and reliability.
  2. Data enrichment
    • Enhance your data by adding information like customer preferences and behaviors, which improves segmentation and targeting in marketing efforts.
  3. Automation of data hygiene tasks
    • Use automated systems for data validation, deduplication, and updates. Automation reduces manual errors and keeps your data current and accurate.
  4. Standardized data entry
    • Implement consistent data entry formats, such as for phone numbers and names, to ensure uniformity across your database.
  5. Employee training and engagement
    • Educate your team on the importance of data hygiene and train them in best practices for consistent data entry and management.
  6. Access controls
    • Restrict access to sensitive data to authorized personnel only, protecting against unauthorized changes and potential data breaches.
  7. Monitoring and compliance
    • Establish systems to monitor data quality metrics and ensure compliance with regulations like GDPR and CCPA, protecting your business and building customer trust.
  8. Use of data management tools
    • Integrate CRM tools that offer deduplication and data validation features, enhancing your ability to maintain clean data.
  9. Feedback loops
    • Create continuous feedback processes to assess and improve data quality, ensuring ongoing refinement of data hygiene practices.
  10. Clear documentation
    • Maintain comprehensive documentation of data management processes and protocols to ensure clarity and accountability among team members.

These practices help maintain a clean, accurate, and reliable CRM system, vital for successful business operations and customer relationship management.

Benefits of a Robust Data Hygiene Strategy

Investing in a solid data hygiene strategy offers numerous advantages:

  1. Improved targeting and personalization
    • Accurate data allows for precise targeting, ensuring marketing messages reach the right audience at the right time.
    • Personalized communications based on reliable data can enhance customer engagement and loyalty.
  2. Enhanced customer insights
    • Clean data provides a clearer view of customer behaviors and preferences, enabling more informed decision-making.
    • It supports more accurate and insightful reporting, which helps track performance and identify trends.
  3. Better alignment between marketing and sales teams
    • Consistent and accurate data fosters collaboration between marketing and sales, aligning their efforts toward common goals.
    • It helps track lead progress through the sales funnel, ensuring timely and relevant follow-ups.
  4. Increased efficiency and cost savings
    • Reducing duplicate records and outdated information minimizes wasted effort and resources.
    • Automating data hygiene processes saves time and reduces the risk of human error.
  5. Compliance with data protection regulations
    • A well-maintained database ensures data handling practices comply with regulations like GDPR and CCPA.
    • This avoids potential fines and builds trust with customers by safeguarding their data.

How to Evaluate Your Data Hygiene Needs

Assessing your current data hygiene practices is crucial for identifying areas for improvement. Here’s a practical guide to help evaluate your needs:

  1. Conduct a data quality audit
    • Assess accuracy: Check for common issues such as duplicates, incorrect or outdated information, and incomplete records.
    • Evaluate consistency: Ensure data is entered in a standardized format across all records.
    • Identify gaps: Look for missing data that could enhance customer profiles, such as additional contact details or segmentation information.
  2. Review data management processes
    • Data entry protocols: Examine whether your team follows consistent procedures for entering and updating data.
    • Data integration: Evaluate how well your CRM integrates with other systems and whether data flows smoothly between them.
    • Access controls: Check if data access is appropriately restricted based on user roles and responsibilities.
  3. Analyze the impact on business operations
    • Marketing effectiveness: Determine if poor data quality hinders your ability to segment audiences, personalize communications, or accurately track campaign performance.
    • Sales alignment: Assess whether data inconsistencies or inaccuracies, such as lead qualification and follow-ups, affect sales processes.
    • Compliance risks: Review how well your data management practices align with regulations like GDPR or CCPA and identify any areas of non-compliance.
  4. Gather feedback from stakeholders
    • Internal feedback: Collect input from team members about the challenges they face with data quality and the tools they use.
    • External feedback: Consider feedback from customers, such as issues with communication or service, that may be related to data quality problems.
  5. Set clear goals and benchmarks
    • Define objectives: Establish specific goals for data quality improvement, such as reducing duplicate records or increasing data completeness.
    • Monitor progress: Use metrics and KPIs to track your progress towards these goals and adjust your strategies as needed.

Evaluating your data hygiene needs can help you develop a targeted plan to improve data quality and enhance your CRM's effectiveness.

Introducing ThinkFuel's "Data Management Engine"

ThinkFuel offers a comprehensive solution for maintaining data hygiene within HubSpot through its "Data Management Engine." This tool integrates seamlessly with the HubSpot dashboard, providing a robust platform for managing CRM data.

  1. Integration and features
    • Data accuracy monitoring: The "Data Management Engine" continuously monitors data quality, flagging inconsistencies and inaccuracies in real time.
    • Missing data identification: It helps identify gaps in contact details, such as missing email addresses, phone numbers, or key demographic information, ensuring that your records are complete.
    • Non-marketing contact flags: The tool automatically flags non-marketing contacts, helping maintain the integrity of your marketing database by excluding irrelevant or low-engagement contacts.
  2. Key reports and analytics
    • Missing contact details report: Provides a comprehensive overview of records lacking essential information, allowing your team to prioritize updates.
    • Critical date tracking: This feature tracks important dates, such as contract renewals or customer anniversaries, helping to streamline customer relationship management.
    • Engagement analysis: Analyzes contact engagement levels, identifying inactive or low-engagement contacts needing re-engagement strategies or cleanup.
  3. Benefits of using the "Data Management Engine"
    • Enhanced data quality: By automating data management tasks, the tool reduces the likelihood of human error and ensures consistent, accurate data across your CRM.
    • Improved marketing efficiency: With clean and accurate data, your marketing campaigns are more targeted and effective, leading to better conversion rates and ROI.
    • Streamlined compliance: The tool helps ensure compliance with data protection regulations by maintaining accurate and up-to-date records, reducing legal risks.

The "Data Management Engine" is an invaluable asset for businesses looking to optimize their data hygiene practices, providing the tools and insights needed to maintain a clean, efficient CRM system.


Maintaining data hygiene is crucial for businesses using CRM systems like HubSpot. Clean and accurate data enhances marketing and sales effectiveness, improves customer insights, and ensures compliance with data protection regulations. By implementing best practices and tools like ThinkFuel's "Data Management Engine," businesses can streamline data management processes, reduce errors, and boost overall efficiency.

Explore ThinkFuel's "Data Management Engine" to enhance your data hygiene efforts and optimize your CRM system. Contact us to learn more about how our solutions can help your business maintain a clean, efficient, and compliant CRM database.